B2C Launch Strategy for AI Products

08/03/2023 - Article based on Tweet Thread @rikvk01 (BlackBear co-founder)


We have launched multiple B2C AI Products (MVP) and reached over 200k people without spending a single marketing dollar. This reach has then converted into (paying) users. Below we share our thoughts on this. Feel free to steal our strategy.

Step 1 / Finding good products

Before building a product, tweet it. A simple tweet with a mock-up video is enough to see what kind of traction you would get. If your idea is good, it’s likely you’ll get some organic traction with your tweet. Example:

Tip: As you can see in the example, you can ask for testers in exchange for engagement (eg: drop a 👋 to test). This will boost your tweet reach and instantly get you some testers. This is valuable as you will see later.

Step 2 / Organic launch strategy - Twitter

After collecting testers through the original tweet. I start building the product. When my MVP is done I share it with those people (via Twitter DM) and they will be the 'beta-testers'. I then refine it further based on their feedback.

Step 3 / Product Hunt

Once I feel the product is ready. It’s time to go to Product Hunt. A good launch is hard. That's why, I ask the original userbase (Twitter people) to upvote on launch day. I personally DM everyone. This initial boost greatly improves odds of good Product Hunt launch.

Step 4 / (not a plug)

Then, I go to all AI-tool directories. seems to work best for me at this moment. Just list your tool and you will get some nice referral traffic. It’s a consistent flow of very qualitative traffic.

Step 5 / You have now launched

That is it, PH + Twitter + Directories. I find that this combo gives you a solid user base to start with and to kickstart the word-of-mouth.

Ready to launch your AI project?


B2C Launch Strategy for AI Products

08/03/2023 - Article based on Tweet Thread @rikvk01 (BlackBear co-founder)


We have launched multiple B2C AI Products (MVP) and reached over 200k people without spending a single marketing dollar. This reach has then converted into (paying) users. Below we share our thoughts on this. Feel free to steal our strategy.

Step 1 / Finding good products

Before building a product, tweet it. A simple tweet with a mock-up video is enough to see what kind of traction you would get. If your idea is good, it’s likely you’ll get some organic traction with your tweet. Example:

Tip: As you can see in the example, you can ask for testers in exchange for engagement (eg: drop a 👋 to test). This will boost your tweet reach and instantly get you some testers. This is valuable as you will see later.

Step 2 / Organic launch strategy - Twitter

After collecting testers through the original tweet. I start building the product. When my MVP is done I share it with those people (via Twitter DM) and they will be the 'beta-testers'. I then refine it further based on their feedback.

Step 3 / Product Hunt

Once I feel the product is ready. It’s time to go to Product Hunt. A good launch is hard. That's why, I ask the original userbase (Twitter people) to upvote on launch day. I personally DM everyone. This initial boost greatly improves odds of good Product Hunt launch.

Step 4 / (not a plug)

Then, I go to all AI-tool directories. seems to work best for me at this moment. Just list your tool and you will get some nice referral traffic. It’s a consistent flow of very qualitative traffic.

Step 5 / You have now launched

That is it, PH + Twitter + Directories. I find that this combo gives you a solid user base to start with and to kickstart the word-of-mouth.

Ready to launch your AI project?


B2C Launch Strategy for AI Products

08/03/2023 - Article based on Tweet Thread @rikvk01 (BlackBear co-founder)


We have launched multiple B2C AI Products (MVP) and reached over 200k people without spending a single marketing dollar. This reach has then converted into (paying) users. Below we share our thoughts on this. Feel free to steal our strategy.

Step 1 / Finding good products

Before building a product, tweet it. A simple tweet with a mock-up video is enough to see what kind of traction you would get. If your idea is good, it’s likely you’ll get some organic traction with your tweet. Example:

Tip: As you can see in the example, you can ask for testers in exchange for engagement (eg: drop a 👋 to test). This will boost your tweet reach and instantly get you some testers. This is valuable as you will see later.

Step 2 / Organic launch strategy - Twitter

After collecting testers through the original tweet. I start building the product. When my MVP is done I share it with those people (via Twitter DM) and they will be the 'beta-testers'. I then refine it further based on their feedback.

Step 3 / Product Hunt

Once I feel the product is ready. It’s time to go to Product Hunt. A good launch is hard. That's why, I ask the original userbase (Twitter people) to upvote on launch day. I personally DM everyone. This initial boost greatly improves odds of good Product Hunt launch.

Step 4 / (not a plug)

Then, I go to all AI-tool directories. seems to work best for me at this moment. Just list your tool and you will get some nice referral traffic. It’s a consistent flow of very qualitative traffic.

Step 5 / You have now launched

That is it, PH + Twitter + Directories. I find that this combo gives you a solid user base to start with and to kickstart the word-of-mouth.

Ready to launch your AI project?